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A chainsaw is essential for logging, tree maintenance and other related outdoor work. But if you don’t have the budget or only need to use a chainsaw occasionally, renting or leasing is a good idea.
The cost of renting a chainsaw ranges from $20 to $100 per day, with $70-90 being the average. You can find chainsaws for rent in home improvement stores around the country. A credit card and photo ID are usually required.
How Much Does It Cost to Rent Chainsaws?
While the average is $70-$90, there are a lot of things which affect the cost, such as chainsaw type, power, brand, capacity etc.
Rental fees also depend on the chainsaw power, blade length, etc. It’s a good idea to check out different hardware stores as costs do vary. But the following should give you an idea of what to pay.
Light chainsaws: these are ideal for light and occasional trimming and pruning.
For example, you might rent a light duty chainsaw to remove branches that have fallen off a tree. You can also use these to cut low hanging branches.
Light duty chainsaws are equipped with 16 inch blades. Low end models cost $34 to rent per day. Higher end brands are set at $55-$60 daily.
Medium sized chainsaws: you’ll need these for chopping up cords of firewood, prune large, thick tree limbs and cut small trees.
Almost all medium-sized chainsaws have an anti-vibration feature built-in. This is necessary to protect the operator and reduce fatigue.
You can rent one of these for $65-$90 a day. The lower cost types are equipped with a 20 inch blade, while those in the $85-$90 range have a 24 inch blade.
Heavy duty chainsaws: these are equipped with at least 30 inch blades and cost a minimum $100 per day.
Unless you need to cut a very large tree, you probably won’t need a heavy duty chainsaw. These are the most powerful models and designed to run continuously. You can use it to cut large amounts of wood, branches, tree trunks etc.
Hourly and Weekly Rental Fees
I have to point out that most home improvement stores offer discounts for longer leases. Renting for a week usually costs less than renting day by day. You can also rent for a specific number of hours.
For example, some stores let you rent chainsaws for four hours for $35-$45. For a full 24 hours it is usually $50-$70.
For large projects, a weekly rent (7 days) is better. The range is $190-$270, but this can vary depending on the chainsaw type. You can also rent for 30 days for $500-$700.
These prices are meant to give you a general idea of the cost. Prices can and do change so I suggest checking first.
Additional Costs
To protect against possible damage, you might be asked for insurance coverage or make a deposit. You should be able to refund this once you return the chainsaw without damage.
You also have to pay separate amounts for other equipment like a helmet, gloves, etc.

How to Rent a Chainsaw
Here is a simple step by step guide on how to rent a chainsaw.
Step 1
Go to the nearest chainsaw rental service near you. If there are several, compare their prices first.
Step 2
Go to your preferred hardware store. Bring an ID. If you aren’t sure what chainsaw is needed, ask the vendor. Explain what your project is and they can tell you what chainsaw is ideal.
Step 3
If the chainsaw you want is there, pay in cash or use a credit card.
If your project is still a few days away, make a reservation for the chainsaw. This ensures it will be available when you need it. You will get a reservation confirmation email. Once the date arrives, you can pick up the chainsaw.
Guidelines for Using Rented Chainsaws
Renting is straightforward and convenient. Keep these things in mind to avoid any potential issues.
Read the rent agreement carefully. The process is straightforward, but there might be some additional requirements like a refundable deposit or insurance coverage. Ask the store people if you aren’t sure about particular points.
Prepare a list of everything you need. If you are going to rent a gas chainsaw for instance, you might want to use a specific brand of fuel.
You will also need a helmet, chaps, gloves, safety goggles and other gear. Other power tools might be needed depending on the project you’re working on.
Prepare a list of everything and check the store online (or call) to see if they are available. This way you can go there, rent the equipment and pay quickly.
Once you have everything ready, it’s time to get on with your project. Some guidelines:
Always wear your safety gear. No matter the size of your work, always wear protection when using a chainsaw.
Check the chainsaw before using it. Look for signs of damage, cracks, dents etc. Ensure that it is fueled (if gas) or plugged into an outlet (electric).
Use the chainsaw properly. If the chainsaw is for cutting light branches, don’t try to use it to chop a thick logs. The last thing you will want is to damage a rented power tool as it’s going to cost you, literally.
Benefits of Renting a Chainsaw
Lots of options. You can rent different types of chainsaws, ranging from light duty models for cutting firewood, to large, gas-powered units that can fell trees.
Whether it is cordless, electric or gas powered, 2-stroke, 4-stroke there’s a chainsaw model out there to fit your needs.
The top brands like Stihl, Husqvarna, Craftsman etc. can be rented in most stores. If you prefer a specific manufacturer, you should be able to find it. All kinds of gas and electric models are available too
Convenient. If you don’t use chainsaws regularly there is no need to buy one. The good news is there are a lot of rental services available.
Renting a chainsaw means you don’t have to worry about storage and maintenance. Once you are done with the task, you just return the tool.
Get the right one for the job. Most chainsaw rental services let you test the tool first. This makes it easy to determine which model works best for your project.
Access to essential gear. Chainsaws can be dangerous so you need to wear proper clothing. A helmet, safety goggles, chaps, gloves, ear plugs etc. You can also rent these from the store.
Guidance available. Not sure which chainsaw to get? What blade length is required? Rental services have experts at hand to help you out.
Simply explain what project you are working on, and they will point out which chainsaw is best suited for it.
Should You Buy a Chainsaw Instead?
If you use chainsaws regularly, I suggest you buy one. If you only do light work, the Soyus 16 inch chainsaw can get the job done. It costs more to buy for now, but the chainsaw will pay for itself soon.
If you have the budget and need a heavy duty chainsaw, there is the Proyama 68CC. Whatever your needs are, there is a chainsaw type for it available.
Most chainsaws for home use cost around $150-$250. While classified as light duty, these tools can cut branches, trim, prune, and perform most tasks. More powerful chainsaws cost $300 to $3000.
When to Hire a Professional
Aside from renting and buying, you also have the option to hire a professional tree trimmer.
These services cost $175-$800, so it’s more expensive than renting or buying a chainsaw. But if you have a large tree that needs trimming, I would consider this option.
Trimming large trees (50 ft. tall and up) can be dangerous especially if you have no experience. You have to cut the branches the right way to avoid them falling on you.
If done incorrectly, these branches can cause damage to your property or personal injury. Given the risks, I would recommend hiring a professional to trim large trees.
Bottom Line
If you are on a budget or rarely use a chainsaw, renting is the better option. Buying a chainsaw – especially gas models – requires maintenance and storage.
If you do a lot of logging, woodwork or related tasks, it’s best to buy a chainsaw. Over time you’ll save money compared to renting constantly.

I love the outdoors and all the tools for maintaining gardens, yards and lawns. The only thing I am more passionate about is sharing what I know about garden and outdoor equipment.