Do Weed Eaters Need Oil?

All gas string trimmers – including the Weed Eater brand – require oil. You have to add the exact amount of oil and gas specified by the manufacturer. The wrong amount of fuel can cause permanent engine damage. A 2-cycle weed eater requires a 40:1 mix of gas and oil, which is 3.2 ounces of … Read more

Is Weed Eater a Brand?

The weed eater is a staple in the gardener’s tool set. You use it to remove weeds and it is considered one of the most efficient yard power tools, along with lawn mowers and hedge trimmers. But the name is also a source of confusion. Is it a brand or a generic term? You are … Read more

Can Weed Eaters Get Wet?

Did you accidentally leave your weed eater out in the rain? If so you are not alone, and a lot of people wonder, what will happen if it rains while you are using a weed eater or string trimmer? Will it cause damage or not? In this article you will get the answers and clarify … Read more