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If you look up “can string trimmers cut weeds”, the opinion is mixed. Some say weed whackers are perfect for this, and others will tell you to avoid it at all costs. This can get confusing so we did the research to find out if cutting weeds with weed eaters really works.
A weed eater is an effective way of removing weeds and other invasive plans in your garden. However you need to clear the area up after trimming to prevent the seeds from spreading.
Benefits of Cutting Weeds with String Trimmers
Pulling weeds out by hand is effective but not fun. It is a slow tedious process especially if you have a large garden. By using a string trimmer you can remove more weeds in less time.
The best way to stop invasive plants from spreading is to trim them as soon as possible. If the weeds get too tall and widespread, eradication becomes harder.
An electric weed eater is enough to get the job done. With the Worx Power GT Revolution you should have those weds removed quickly. A gas-powered trimmer might be better for large yards though. Either way, these tools will cut weeds much faster compared to hand pulling.
String trimmers are great for preventing weeds from invading gardens but be careful not to cut down nearby plants. The key here is patience. Weeds will attempt to grow back but trimming them repeatedly is going to slow the process. You can also use chemicals to prevent weeds from growing after trimming.
How to Cut Weeds with a Weed Whacker
This is a guide for cutting weeds with a string trimmer or weed whacker. As usual, follow all safety precautions before starting. This video shows you some of the ways to achieve this.
Before You Start
Decide what type of string trimmer to use. Electric trimmers work for most, but your movement is limited by the cord. Cordless models are not as powerful but give you freedom of movement. Gas units offer the most power but are heavy.
Whether you use a gas or electric weed whacker, take all necessary precautions. These trimmers are sharp and can cause injury if you are not careful. Wear goggles, gloves, steel toe boots and a long sleeve shirt.
Clear the area of debris. Remove as many rocks, plastic, pieces of wood, mulch and other objects from the ground. This makes the area safer to work in for the operator. It also reduces the chance of the trimmer catching something (a rock for example) and getting clogged.
Step 1
Pull out 6-8 inches of line from the trimmer. Some like to remove the trimmer guard so they can get more line, but 6 inches is enough to remove weeds.
If you have an electric trimmer, press the on button. If you are using a gas-powered unit, crank the engine. You might have to pull the cord several times and prime the fuel first. Refer to your owner’s manual.
Use one hand to hold the handle and your other hand on the trigger. Ensure the trigger is always level to your waist. This posture is considered the safest and most comfortable for most.
Step 3
Start cutting weeds. Take care not to trim plants close to the area. Be as thorough as possible. If you are trimming a large area, divide it into sections.
Cutting weeds can take a lot of time. If it is hot and you have a lot of work to do, take frequent breaks. Have a bottle of water ready and look for some shade if it gets too hot.
Set the trimmer about an inch above the weeds. Move the trimmer in a side to side manner. Try to be as steady as possible. if you have a Proyama Wd Wacker, this is how you start cut weeds.
If you are having trouble getting to the weeds, try to use the nylon tip of the line. This is the most efficient method and should be able to remove the weeds.
Do not attempt to cut all the weeds in one pass. This can overload the electric motor or gas engine. Cut a few and then do another pass. Even then it might require multiple passes if the weeds are large, thick and clustered together.
Step 4
One of the potential problems you can run into is if the trimmer cuts the grass too low. Any weeds hiding there would be exposed to more light and grow faster.
The way to avoid this is to get rid of all the weeds in that area. If you have to cut the grass down, make sure to eliminate any weeds there. Depending on the situation, you might have to pull some out with your hands too. If you do pull them out, do so at the roots.
When you are done, apply a chemical solution to the area to prevent the weeds from sprouting. There are a lot of these available online.
Some people like to use a lawn mower to clean up after the trimmer. That depends on how much weed growth is in the garden. Use a lawn mower if you feel that the trimmer was not able to remove as much of the weeds as you would like.
Clean the trimmer after use. Clear the area as well.
How long this takes depends on the size of your yard and how widespread the weeds are. That is why it is important to trim them as soon as possible.

Can String Trimmers Actually Make Weeds Spread More?
This question comes up because of the way string trimmers work. When it runs, all sorts of debris fly all over the place. Would that cause weed seeds to spread even more? After all, weeds grow quickly.
It depends on how thorough you cut the weeds. Of course you want to remove as much of the stuff as you can. This means there is a good chance some of the seeds could end up scattered in your yard.
If that happens the seeds could end up all over your garden. Is there any way to prevent this?
There are some things you can do to prevent this from happening. The most important is prevention, so take steps to prevent weeds from growing in your garden. This includes growing plants together, use mulch and apply chemicals that stop weed from growing.
But if weeds are already there and you want to use a string trimmer to remove therm, here are some tips.
Do not remove the guard. Its main purpose is to protect you, but it can also prevent seeds from spreading too far and wide.
Do not water the area immediately after trimming. Water encourages weed to grow and germinate. If you have to water nearby plants, take care not to get any on the ground where seeds might have scattered.
The best way to prevent seeds from spreading is to use a herbicide solution. After trimming, apply herbicide on the spot and the nearby area.
Related Questions
Why is the engine stalling?
The engine is being overloaded. Turn the trimmer off and let it cool down for a few minutes. If you are trimming a lot of invasive plants, work on small sections to avoid overheating the engine. This can also happen to an electric weed eater motor.
Can a battery powered string trimmer cut weeds?
Battery or cordless weed whackers are not as powerful as gas or electric models, but for a small yard it will do. If you only have to remove a small amount of weeds, a battery trimmer will work.
My string trimmer suddenly stopped working. Why?
Shut the machine off. Check the trimmer head for clogging. Rocks or other debris might be caught there. The engine might have ran out of fuel or it is overloaded. If you are using an electric string trimmer, check if the cord is still plugged into the power source.
Will using a string trimmer prevent weeds from sprouting again?
Repeated cuttings will slow their growth because they cannot photosynthesize. But it is not enough to 100% prevent them from returning. The best way to do that is to use herbicides.

I love the outdoors and all the tools for maintaining gardens, yards and lawns. The only thing I am more passionate about is sharing what I know about garden and outdoor equipment.