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A weed eater or string trimmer is a versatile garden tool and simplifies lawn maintenance. While they are designed to cut weeds, you can use a string trimmer as an edger too. There are a few different ways to do this, and in this article you will learn both.
Hold the weed eater at a 90 degree angle so the line spins from the top to the bottom. Turn the trimmer so the guard faces you, then lower the line until it touches the grass.
That is the first option. The second is to use an edger attachment for your weed eater. Plug the edger into your weed eater and you have an instant edger. With an attachment you don’t have to buy a new tool. Or you can just flip your weed eater 90 degrees and start edging, the choice is yours.
How to Use a Weed Eater to Edge Lawns
This video shows you how to use a string trimmer to edge lawns. If you want to read the instructions instead, keep going.
The following is a step by step guide that shows you how to edge lawns with a weed eater. Whether you prefer to use an attachment or not, this guide covers both.
What You’ll Need
- String trimmer (the Worx WG163 GT 3.0 doeThs a solid job and runs quieter than gas trimmers)
- Lawn mower (optional)
- Trimmer edger attachment (you can use the TrimmerPlus TPE720 if your weed eater is incompatible, and you get an instant edger
- Wheelbarrow, sack, plastic bag, garden thrash bin
- Shovel
- Safety goggles
- Long sleeved shirt
- Gloves
- Long pants
- Closed toe shoes
Step 1
Put on your personal protective gear. Check the equipment and make sure they are in working condition. If you are going to use a gas string trimmer, fill the tank with fuel. If you are using a cordless model, charge the battery to full power.
Step 2
This is optional but highly recommended. Mow the grass with your lawn mower until it has an even appearance. Why? Because this gives your lawn a uniform look If you edge right away, the grass might come out crooked.
Mow the lawn until you are satisfied with its appearance. Once done, you can use a weed eater to put the finishing touches on the edge.
This is just one example of how you can use a weed eater and lawn mower together. There is no need to choose between the two. However, there are cases when a weed eater or lawn mower is better suited for a specific task.
Step 3
When you are done mowing, get your weed eater. Hold it in a regular way (you won’t be edging yet). If you look closely, the lawn will probably have tall grass left over.
You only need to this step if your mower doesn’t cut as much grass as you want. If it does, proceed to to step 4.
Turn on your weed eater and allow the blade to cut the grass. Move slowly along the edges until the grass has been trimmed.
Step 4
Map the path you are going to edge. Use strings or a hose to lay the path down. If your lawn ends against a concrete surface, use that as your guide.
Before edging, here are some considerations:
Clear the area of debris. Rocks, plastic, glass etc. These could get in the way and slow the trimmer.
Move slowly so you don’t accidentally go over them as you edge. Once the area has been cleared up, you can start edging your lawn.
Step 5
There are two ways to use a weed eater as an edger. The first is to use an edger attachment. The second method is to hold the tool at a 90 degree angle. You are holding it right if you are facing the guard.
Still holding the weed eater, position it over the lawn border you want to edge. Lower the tool until it makes contact with the grass. If the lawn edge meets your patio for example, position the weed eater so the string falls right where the hard surface and grass meet.
If you are using an edger attachment, you can start now. If you flipped the trimmer 90 degrees and doing this for the first time, do a bit of practice. Without actually cutting, move the trimmer along the path. Give yourself time to get accustomed to holding the tool this way.

Step 6
If you have not done so already, put protective clothing on. Long sleeve shirt, long pants, safety goggles, gloves and closed toe shoes. Ensure there are no animals or people nearby before you start.
Start edging the lawn. Keep the edger at a 90 degree angle (if you didn’t use an edger attachment). Edge in the direction opposite where the string spins.
If the trimmer line spins counterclockwise, edge from right to left. If the line spins clockwise, you edge from left to right. Doing this prevents the weed eater from scattering the grass back onto your lawn.
Step 7
Keep an eye where the debris are flying into. Adjust your position if stuff are being scattered in your driveway.
Hold the weed eater steady and edge slowly. Let the trimmer cut on the grass edge. The key to a clean edge is to maintain the weed eater level.
Some find it easier when they tuck the motor under their arm. Regardless how you prefer to hold it, just ensure the trimmer is steady. Do not swing your arm. Keep it steady and move the weed eater instead.
Step 8
There are three things you have to do: keep your arm from flailing, proceed slowly and keep your back to where the debris are being scattered.
Move along the path you set earlier. If you don’t get a clean look the first time, you can go over it again. Start with one pass and see how it goes. Go over the edges again if necessary.
Step 9
Shovel the clippings, soil and other debris in the thrash bag, wheelbarrow or whatever container you have. You can do this after edging or as you edge.
You will finish faster if you clean the debris after edging. However, shoveling the dirt up as you walk lets you see the edge clearly. If you have a large yard, it’s better to shovel dirt as you move along. For a small yard, it can wait when you are done.
Step 10
Go over the lawn if the edges are still rough. If everything looks the way you want it, clear up the remaining debris. You can use a rake, broom or a leaf blower to speed things up.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s my first time to try edging with a string trimmer and it doesn’t look right. Why?
Practice on a small area first. Because of the way you are holding the string trimmer, the debris can spray out. This is why you have to wear goggles and make sure there are no pets or people nearby Move the trimmer if the debris starts flying towards your house or car.
If you are edging lawns for the first time, it might take some getting used to. But you will get the hang of it eventually. The best way to learn is to go slowly and follow the path you laid out.
Is it better to use an electric or gas weed eater?
Beginners might find electric string trimmers easier to use because it weighs less. A typical cordless weed eater might weigh10 pounds while a gas powered model could be twice that or more. Plus it is more expensive because of fuel.
Which produces the best results, a string trimmer, edger attachment or lawn edger?
A string trimmer can edge lawns when used properly as shown here. The results are better when you use an attachment, but more so if you have a lawn edger. Lawn edgers are made specifically for edging so its output is the best.
But if just want simple lawn edging, your weed eater can do the job. It comes down to what you want to see in your yard.

I love the outdoors and all the tools for maintaining gardens, yards and lawns. The only thing I am more passionate about is sharing what I know about garden and outdoor equipment.